European Commission Fifth RTD Framework Programme

A Future for The Dead Sea: Options for a More Sustainable Water Management

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Links to other projects

  • The Middle East Environmental Futures Research Initiative Website.  The Middle East Environmental Futures Project is an interdisciplinary research program which has emerged out of a workshop entitled “Population, Consumption and Environment in Israel and Palestine” at Brown University in July 2002.  The program’s central objective is to strengthen environmental policy decision making in Israel and Palestine by integrating environmental data analysis with an assessment of the desires of various population groups in the region vis-à-vis their natural environment. It seeks to define what people think.

  • The INCO-DC projects at the EC CORDIS website is searchable and contains all INCO 2 research projects. It contains a number of projects on water in the Eastern Mediterranean and in the Middle East.

  • MedAqua2 is an EC project that brings all INCO projects in the water area for the South Mediterranean Countries together. The MedAqua project has organized a conference on 11-12 Jun 2001 in Amman (Proceedings available).  The MedAqua2 project is organizing a conference on the 14-15 Jun 2004 in Amman.  This 2-day event will focus on the water problems in the South Mediterranean Region that are still growing rapidly. 

  • The Jordan Valley Water project website contains an edited selection of water-related INCO-DC projects in the Middle East of the 4th Framework Programme.

  • The EC funded project "The Relationships between Sectoral Policies and Agricultural Water Use in Mediterranean Countries (POLAGWAT) maintains a project website. The project is coordinated through the European Commission’s Joint Research Center Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), Seville, Spain.
  • The Green Cross Middle East Water Project ("The goal is to promote informed decision making and the integrated management of Middle East water to get river basins on a better socio-economic development path to a sustainable future"). The project had a major conference in Sep 1999 in Amman. The Amman Group agreed that " solve the growing water shortage will require a package of technical, institutional, financial and social changes reflecting a vision of ensuring reliable water supplies and water equity within the region. The package will also vary according to the specific social and environmental needs of each area and people. Scenario building will be instrumental in the development of these integrated solutions." GCI publications include:

  • The US National Academy of Science project has a project "Enhancing Water Supplies for the Middle East" (Project ID Number: WSTB-U-95-05-A). It is a study by international experts focusing on methods for avoiding over exploitation of water resources, and exploring relationships between water supply enhancement and preservation of environmental quality, especially water quality. "The study will consider the scientific and technological bases of ... use of treated municipal wastewater for irrigation and other purposes, desalination, water harvesting, restoration of degraded water bodies, ground water contamination cleanup, and ... improved conservation technologies to enhance water quality and prevent resource degradation". The project web pages contain a list of the project committee members.

  • The Water Data Banks Project consists of a series of specific actions to be taken by IL, JO, and PS that are designed to foster the adoption of common, standardized data collection and storage techniques, to improve the quality of the water-resources data collected in the region, and to improve communication among the scientific community in the region. The project is managed by an Executive Action Team (EXACT) comprised of water experts from IL, JO, and PS water-management agencies. The project has published a report "Overview of Middle East Water Resources - Water Resources of Palestinian, Jordanian, and Israeli Interest" by (Hazim El-Naser, Mustafa F. Nuseibeh, Karen K. Assaf, Shmuel Kessler, Meir Ben-Zvi, 1998)

  • The Palestinian Ministry of Planning and International Co-operation (MoPIC) has on it's website several publications. 

  • The Executive Action Team (EXACT) of the Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources maintained a directory of water related projects implemented in Palestine, Israel and Jordan.  The information contained in this link was current as of 1998, but is not being updated.

  • The GLOWA Jordan River Website contains information on the GLOWA Jordan River 1 and 2 projects.  The project addresses the vulnerability of water resources in the Jordan River Basin under global change, as a case study of eastern Mediterranean environments.  The website contains links to several publications issuing from the project.

  • The Friends of the Earth Middle East has a project that attempts to preserve the Dead Sea and it basin.

  • The WHO regional centre for environmental health and pollution control maintains a web site with information on projects related to large and small scale wastewater treatment and reuse.
  • FAO maintains a website with information on wastewater reuse pilot projects.


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